Divine Health and Healing Ways is the web arm of Byourfaith ministries. Educating people about health and healing the divine way is our passion and our mission. Our personal experiences with divine power gave us no other choice but to become teachers and authors since 1994 inspired to awaken others to the realness of healing through the full use of all God given systems available to each person. Either forgotten, ignored, or disregarded, the powerful internal systems of meditation, spirituality, prayers, and the natural ingredients available in plants and trees including medicinal plants and trees were given by God for us to use to meet the needs he knew we would have on earth.
Many lives have been positively and supernaturally impacted by our teachings and our first book "Natural Healing Power - A gift of God to You". We are committed to continue to introduce you to the knowledge of these extraordinary health and healing ways and how to use them as best we can. It is because you are here on earth that these resources were put here - to assist you in coping and living a victorious life here. It is not wise to ignore them as millions of people are discovering. We have dedicated ourselves to helping you reduce and/or eliminate from your life the anxiety and fear from sickness and disease and other sources of stress that rob you of the joy of life you were meant to have. Because He touched us in this way, this is the least we can do to give back, in gratitude to the one who gave all of this to us all - God Almighty.
Please write or send us an email with any questions we may answer for you. At your request, we will also stand with you with guidance, counselling, and prayer as you take your stand and make the move to regain your health or retake your life from ill-health, illness or anything that robs you of joy and peace of life. To him alone be the glory!