Things do get in the way of many things you seek for your life. You may obstacles to healing the divine way as well. Life would not be interesting otherwise. Don't let anyone fool you about that. This is the reason divine healing remains a mystery to most people. You would notice that it does'nt happen to everyone. Indeed, If the truth be told, a great many of those who believe in supernatural healing do not get healed supernaturally when they need it. So why is it that it happens to some and not to others? Here are the reasons - worldly dependence, distance from God, and, the self.
Worldly Dependence - The tendency to think and beleive that all that you can see is all that there is. This means that anything you cannot see must be some kind of a fairy tale. The consequence of this is that, when you hear that there may be more there than you know, it creates the struggle in the mind between what you know from the experience of your physical senses on the one hand, and what you cannot see and verify on the other hand - God and all that he is. When the need arises to tap into the unseen power of God and receive its benefits, most people choose to ignore the possibilities it holds for answers, and retreat instead into the comfort of what they know for sure. They will do this even at the expense of their own health and healing. You can escape this obstacles to divine healing.Distance from God - The absence of the knowledge of God and the knowledge of how you are naturally linked to him. This link exists whether you know it or not and it is the lack of this knowledge that creates serious obstacles to healing. Without this knowledge, it is impossible to reach God for help in the time of your need for him. You cannot use what you do not know you have, and how much of it is available to you. Self - The difficulty you and many others have in reconciling what you like to do and would rather do always, and what is required of you in other to have access to all that is available to you both in the physical world and in the spiritual domain. For most people, the "self" usually rules and wins out even if it means losing out to illness and sometimes, untimely death. The self must be overcome or it createsobstacles to healing and health the divine way.